Does your job make you happy?


Whether you have to commute to work or you work from home, are you truly happy with what you do?  It is a sad fact that many people are desperately unhappy with their job. When you are not satisfied with your job, this can cause a multitude of problems both at work and home. 

When i worked as a drafter in my first job, the economy was up and down so I went from job to job. In my first job, I enjoyed the people i worked with and it was great having a pay cheque.  However, when the economy got slow, there was rumor that someone would be laid off (this was the days when jobs could be lifetime). In those months, I started having stomach problems and I even went for a scan.  I never made the connection until after I had been laid off myself and the stomach pain was gone almost instantly. Your work can affect your health. 

Everyone in the house feels your stress. You feel miserable and your body aches. 

It might be time to make a change in your life. You can see if you can change your job or make a transfer. You could see what or who is making you unhappy at work and see how you can resolve it. Or you can take a break from the stress by taking time away from work. 

It may not be possible for you to take time off work or even when you do take time off and upon your return, you know that there is the same situation. Once your health start deteriorating, you really need to consider a change. 

You could:

  • see if you qualify for a re-training program 
  • try a different field in the same job or
  • try a change in location with new people can make a difference.

Depression is rampant in middle aged men and so is the risk of suicide. The death rates in the U.S. and Canada in this age group is high and happens far more frequently than you might think. 

If you are truly unhappy in your job then talk to your doctor and take action before it is too late. Many people have made mid-life career changes so why not you? 

A new mindset for you would be to consider changing the way you make the money for the lifestyle you want. Why go back to a job that is killing you?  

Stay there at your current job  for awhile while you consider taking your life into your own hands and create a business that you enjoy doing.  Have you thought about what you need for the lifestyle you want? What income will sustain you and your life? Have you ever thought about running your own business? 

The Business of At Home Business quiz and workbook would help you look at your vision for your life and the type of business you might be interested in doing.  So download the workbook here for free!   

Take control of your life! 

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