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Are you thinking that you don’t have the skills you need to do a home business?  Do you wonder how long it would take to learn the skills for a home business idea you would like to do?  Twenty years ago, you would have to consider:

  1. taking a vocational or university course at only certain times of the year
  2. the tuition costs IF you could get into the course you wanted
  3. the time off of work in order to do the course.

Now, with the internet, you have the freedom to explore different home business ideas you might be interested in.  You can change the direction of your life by getting education in a new field.  Develop your skills in a new field and see where it takes you. There are many accredited universities that have online courses for their own courses as well as developing courses for other interests.  For example, our local university has whole series of courses developed for the senior crowd to try on a part-time basis from going to Mexico and living in a town to learn Spanish or writing course hosted by well known playwright.  

Ongoing education is a critical trait for any entrepreneur and I’ ll be speaking further about places and resources to learn the skills and knowledge for an entrepreneur.  To learn more about how to develop the skills of an entrepreneur, subscribe to our newsletter! 

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